A Talking Daikon is Here. Advance Review of the New “LogoseaseⅡ” (Logosease II)

The underwater radio “Logosease II” is scheduled to go on sale on April 1. The Oceana editorial staff, who had the opportunity to experience it ahead of others, presents a review by four divers who experienced it. We gathered comments from each diver’s point of view on the features of the new model, which are of interest to us. The new “Logosease II” was an innovative evolution in consideration of safety underwater.

What is Logosease?

Logosease” is an underwater radio developed by Yamagata Casio Co.

It was released in 2013 and revolutionized the world of diving, where written communication and hand signals are the norm, by providing the new value of enjoying conversation through the use of a regulator in the mouth, which is attached to an underwater mask and uses ultrasonic waves and bone conduction.

Click here for an article explaining the new features of Logosease II.

Innovation in diving! Logosease II” is now available!

A new version of the underwater transceiver “Logosease,” “Logosease II,” developed by Yamagata Casio Co…

The reason for the development of LogoseaseⅡ

Before reporting the review of Logosease II, we asked the person in charge of its development about why Logosease was created and what prompted him to develop Logosease II.

The development of Logosease began with one developer’s thought, “How fun it would be to talk with my diving daughter right now. That desire and passion took shape in the development of Logosease, an innovation in diving.

After that, the development of Logosease II started with the aim of reaching the next stage while continuing to make improvements. We wondered if we could come up with a new proposal that would take advantage of the ability to hear voices underwater…. What came out of this process was the “voice alert” function, which allows the user to listen with their ears. Logosease II was born in response to the desire to enjoy the “now” to the fullest or to concentrate on work during leisure dives, filming, or working underwater.

Logosease” was created based on the actual experience of “wanting to communicate in the underwater world. It is certainly an urge that everyone who has experienced diving has felt at least once. Let’s check out the basic information on Logosease II, which has been further enhanced in terms of power.

Basic Information on “Logosease II

(Left) First generation Logosease (Right) New Logosease II
Logosease II with a sleek form while maintaining the same color development
Name of each part of Logosease II. Newly added operation buttons and OLED display.

Review of New Features by Four Divers

This review was conducted by four elite divers with a wealth of diving experience: Oceana CEO Kawamoto, Web director and photographer Tsubone, planning sales and editorial staff member Suika, and writer Selina. We present a real-life review by active divers who use the ocean as their field, including undersea cleanups, seaweed bed surveys, and photography.


Yuta Kawamoto, CEO of Oceana

He has 20 years of diving experience. Trained more than 1,000 divers as a diving instructor. Currently, as a diver, he is involved in the field of undersea cleaning and seaweed bed research.

Web Director/Photographer Yudai Tsubone

He has been diving for 20 years, instructing for 18 years (retired), guiding for 19 years (ongoing), and has 6450 dives under his belt. Underwater photographer.

Watermelon, Planning, Sales & Editorial Department


She has been diving for about 10 years and has 400 dives under her belt. She has been diving for about 10 years and has about 400 dives under her belt.

Writer Selina

She has been diving for about 5 years. She has been diving for about 5 years and has about 200 dives under her belt. She is a representative of Japan’s freediving team.

You don’t have to worry about being immersed in the underwater world! Voice alerts to inform you of safety control

Managing depth and dive time is easier to miss than managing residual pressure, and safety considerations are more important. The newly added voice alert function was revolutionary in that it is automatically heard by your “ears! I realized firsthand that this is a safety feature because the automatic voice alert goes off at a set timing, rather than the erratic action of looking at the computer much at the time I noticed it. For example, in the case of a car, it would be like the navigation system announcing, “You have been driving for a long time, let’s take a break.

Interval depth: An audio alert function that automatically notifies you when you pass a pre-set depth.

I used this function when I had an underwater camera because I was curious about what advantages there are in wearing Logosease II when shooting underwater. I found the function of announcing NDL (*) to be very good for safety when I was concentrating on taking pictures of living creatures in deep water or when I was shooting at a cave point in total darkness.

*NDL (No-decompression dive time): Time limit for remaining at the current depth


The automatic voice alerts for depth and safety stops eliminates the need to constantly worry about the dive computer. I also felt that I was diving with a higher level of safety when wearing Logosease II because it notified me each time.

What are the types of voice alerts?

*In addition to the above, there are voice alerts for notifications when a decompression stop is necessary (depth of decompression stop, total time to surface from decompression stop depth, start and end of decompression stop, depth during decompression stop, remaining time for decompression stop, etc.) and product status (low battery voltage, sensor failure, mode transition).

*Terminology: NDL (no-decompression dive time: time limit to remain at the current depth) / CNS (central nervous system: oxygen intoxication that occurs under high-pressure conditions) / PO2 (partial pressure of oxygen: pressure of oxygen contained in the gas)

You can call from any direction to reach a wider area!

After actually using the system, I realized that the range of voice picked up has expanded due to the change in the direction of the antenna. I could hear properly when the diver called me.


I wanted to use it when cave diving. In the cave, the entire team faces the direction of travel along a posted line. The divers position themselves based on the line, often in a vertical line if the cave is narrow, or in a zigzag position if the cave is wide. In such cases, the leader at the front does not have to look back each time to check, but signals with the light he or she is holding if something happens to the person behind. With Logosease, I thought it would be reassuring to be able to signal by voice even in situations where we cannot use our hands, and to be able to communicate by voice even in the unlikely event that we cannot see each other due to poor visibility.

This new Logosease II is the first time I have used an underwater radio. Until now, I thought I could only communicate with people within arm’s reach underwater, but using Logosease II has broadened my enjoyment of diving even further. In the event of an emergency, being able to contact a buddy or guide immediately was also an unprecedented means of communication.

Complete with the main unit! Each setting and log check is possible.

I think another major evolutionary point of Logosease II is the addition of an operation button. Thanks to Yamagata Casio’s improved development technology, the settings that used to be changed by connecting to a PC can now be completed on the main unit of Logosease II. Having the logging function on the display is a great relief in case you forget your dive computer.

Screen showing dive time, average depth, and maximum depth
A screen displaying water temperature, oxygen level in the body, and CNS
Screen displaying entry and exit times

Finally! The appeal of Logosease II

When I actually used Logosease II, I got the impression that the conversation function is not about “talking underwater,” but about ” communicating more optimally underwater. I feel that it has great potential to be used very useful for first getting people to notice you, such as calling someone. I also felt that it has evolved into an item that is useful in various environments, such as when your hands are occupied while diving while working, when you are absorbed in underwater photography, or when you are desperate to improve your skills in ocean training.

Since my hands are often full when I am taking underwater photographs, I appreciated the ability to hear the depth of the water through the audio. Compared to normal fun diving, checking the dive computer frequently during filming is neglected, so I wanted to use it with a sense of self-discipline.

Even if you are so focused on underwater photography that you unintentionally dive too deep, the voice alert function automatically informs you of the depth when the water depth changes. (The interval of the notified depth can be changed.)
While utilizing the voice alert, do not forget to check the dive computer

I found it very useful when I used it during underwater photography. I was able to communicate with the model via voice instructions and confirmations, which was much better than during normal underwater photography. However, I found that the wearing part became painful and it was difficult to pull out my ears when wearing it all the time, so I recommend loosening the mask strap more than usual and finding a suitable wearing position!

Tap the round antenna to talk.

I found a rare fish…! I found a rare fish…! I want to tell my buddy or guide…! But they are looking in the wrong direction and won’t notice me… (cry)”. (Crying)” At that time, I was very moved by the experience of talking to someone with Logosease and having them notice me.

Logosease II” product outline, available from April 1, 2012

Model name: Logosease II LGS-RG007
Color: yellow and black
Release date: April 1
Suggested retail price: 97,680 yen (tax included) per unit
Each diver needs to wear “Logosease II” to talk underwater.
Where to buy:
EC site
Diving stores
Bic Camera
Yodobashi Camera

Until now, only two or more people could use it as an underwater radio, but with the addition of voice alert and display functions, Logosease II can now be utilized by a single person, which is a major evolution.

sponsored by Yamagata Casio Co.
Yamagata Casio is the domestic production base that forms the core of the Casio Group. Yamagata Casio has evolved its own five core competencies: automation technology, digitization of sensibility, high-precision processing technology, virtual verification technology, and skills passed down from generation to generation. We are also developing EMS business by utilizing the technology we have cultivated through the production of Casio products. Through its comprehensive capabilities, the company develops, manufactures, and markets its own marine products, such as LogoSeas II.

Yamagata Casio: https://www.yamagata-casio.co.jp/
Logosease: https: //logosease.yamagata-casio.co.jp/

By oceana

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