Yakushima Island Diving Basic Information Fertile Sea with a mixture of subtropical and temperate zone creatures

Yakushima Island is registered as a World Natural Heritage site, and this year marks its 30th anniversary. In addition to the nature on land, the sea is actually full of attractions. What is it like to dive in the sea of Yakushima, where the Kuroshio Current crashes into the island and rich nutrients flow in from the land on the river’s current?

Basic information about Yakushima

What kind of island is Yakushima?

Located about 135 km south of Kagoshima City, the island has a circumference of about 132 km and an area of about 504 km2. The nearly circular island is lined with mountains over 1,000 m in elevation, led by Kyushu’s highest peak, Miyanoura-dake (1,936 m). Due to the difference in elevation, cool-temperate vegetation can be seen on the mountain peaks and subtropical vegetation on the coastline. Furthermore, the island has a special ecosystem that includes mountain stream plants and epiphytes suited to the high rainfall environment with annual precipitation exceeding 8,000mm in the mountain areas.

Access to Yakushima

Yakushima can be reached by air and sea. There are four flights a day from Kagoshima Airport, one from Itami Airport in Osaka, and one from Fukuoka Airport, as well as one ferry and five to six high-speed boat services from Kagoshima Port. The schedules for all of these services are subject to change depending on the season and sea conditions, so please check the official website.

Seasonality of Yakushima

Characteristics of the sea of Yakushima, a “sea of fertility

The sea of Yakushima, where the Kuroshio Current flowing from the equator collides with the island, is highly transparent throughout the year and rich in coral reefs. The Kuroshio Current brings in living creatures, and the rivers flowing from the high mountains of Yakushima bring rich nutrients from the forests to the sea, where they nurture living creatures. The sea is said to be home to more than 950 species of creatures. In the past, the island was even ranked first in Japan for the past three consecutive years in the “Photo de Poisson” contest (sponsored by the Japan Underwater Activities Association and the Underwater Imaging Committee), in which divers dive into the sea simultaneously throughout Japan and compete to see how many different species of fish they can identify with their cameras. Another feature of this sea is that both temperate and subtropical species can be found in the same area.

It is also one of the best places in Japan for sea turtles to lay their eggs, and loggerhead and green turtles can be seen year-round, making it one of the most popular destinations for experience diving and snorkeling. The steep terrain from the land continues below the surface of the sea, making it possible to see migratory fish such as dogtooth tuna, yellowtails, and giant jacks in close proximity to the island.

Diving Spots on Yakushima Island

Diving sites are scattered around the island, but the base of operations is in the northern village of Yakushima. The most common way to dive is to take a boat from the harbor here and dive in the northern and western areas of the island. Dive stores are scattered in several villages, including Miyanoura and others. After meeting or being picked up at each store, the guide will take you to the harbor.

Ichiminato Area

The northern village of Ichiminato is the main diving spot on Yakushima. Both beach and boat sites are available, and all boat sites are within 15 minutes from the port. The bay-like shape of the area makes it relatively calm and enjoyable for both beginners and advanced divers.

The dive sites such as “Omiya-mae,” “Tank-shita,” and “Yokoze,” although in a bay, are close to the open ocean, so schools of yellowtail tuna, dogtooth tuna, and giant trevally can often be seen. The coral reefs are spread out and the fish are abundant, making this a popular dive site. In addition to the wide variety of fish, macro fish such as pygmy seahorses, scalloped hammerhead goby, and a variety of nudibranchs can also be enjoyed.

A school of snappers at Yokose

A “Zero Fighter,” which appears to be the wreckage of a fighter plane, is swarming with snappers and azure grouper are standing tall as if they are the masters of the ship. Gently peeking into the wreckage, we see a shrimp and a white sock shrimp.

At the “reef,” friendly swallowtail fishes come close to the reef and show us their cleaning process. Schools of snappers also greet you.

Nagata Area, a diving spot for intermediate and advanced divers

The dive sites around Nagata, located in the northwestern part of the island, are suitable for intermediate and advanced divers because of the fast currents. The area has a high encounter rate with big fish, and manta rays and hammerhead sharks have appeared here in the past.

Schools of surgeonfish

Kurio area” with a tropical atmosphere

Courtesy of Everblue Yakushima

Kurio is a beach point located in the southwestern part of the island. It has a tropical feel, with greenish coral reefs spreading out in the shallows and schools of Plectorfish and snappers. The white sand and topography are also highlights.

Expedition from Yakushima “Kuchinoerabu Island Area

Kuchino-erabu Island is a volcanic island located northwest of Yakushima. It is characterized by a rich marine ecosystem benefiting from the Kuroshio Current, with coral reefs and points where large migratory fish can be seen, as well as hot springs that bubble up from the sea floor. The island is about an hour and a half by ferry from Yakushima, and visitors can either stay overnight on Kuchinoerabu Island or dive around the island without going ashore from Yakushima.

Iwayamari” has beautiful coral formations, “Neytai” offers an underwater hot spring experience, and “Nozaki” offers the possibility of encountering schools of bigeye jacks and hammerhead sharks. Although the area is still under development and not always accessible depending on sea conditions and the number of participants, it is one of the areas we would like to dive.


Diving Style in Yakushima

Boat diving from the port of Ichiminato in the northern part of Yakushima is common. Meet at the store in the morning and drive to the harbor in the store’s car. The schedule is two dives in the morning and an optional dive in the afternoon, returning to the inn after 3 pm. Since the point is within 15 minutes from the harbor, we return to the harbor for one dive at a time. The restrooms in the harbor can be used, so those who are sensitive to boats and those who are close to the restrooms do not need to worry.

Night diving and early morning diving can be requested at some stores, so check each store’s website.

Feel the connection between mountains, rivers, and the sea through sightseeing on land!

If you are going to visit Yakushima Island, which is registered as a World Natural Heritage site, you should also experience nature on land. Why not go trekking in the forests of the “Princess Mononoke,” which is said to have been the setting for the forest in the movie “Princess Mononoke,” or the forest of Yakusugi cedars, which are over 1,000 years old? However, the popular Jomon Cedars are located at a high altitude, so going there after diving increases the risk of decompression sickness. It is better to go there before diving, but the day-long trek is not an easy one, so you will need serious mountaineering gear. SUP and kayaking on the river between the mountains and the sea are also recommended. Yakushima Island is close to mountains, rivers, the sea, and villages, so we encourage you to explore the land as well and feel the connection.

Yakushima Certified Guide

Guided tours are recommended for sightseeing in the mountains, rivers, and ocean of Yakushima. In Yakushima, there is a system of “certified guides” authorized by the town of Yakushima. These guides have passed a special examination and are certified by Yakushima Town. They are knowledgeable not only about safety and rules and regulations, but also about Yakushima’s natural attractions, island life and culture, and other attractions. Professionals are registered for each mountain, river, and ocean, so if you want to know and enjoy Yakushima more deeply, please join their tours for sightseeing on land.

▶︎ Official HP of Yakushima Certified Guide

Let’s dive the World Heritage Site Yakushima and immerse yourself in nature!

Yakushima, which this year marks the 30th anniversary of its registration as a World Heritage site, is an island where you can feel the power of nature both on land and in the sea. Although the focus is often on the nature on land, once you dive into the “chaotic” sea with its diverse life forms, you will surely be hooked.

Special Thanks Everblue Yakushima

Everblue Yakushima has been offering ocean and mountain activities on Yakushima since the spring of 2008 under the concept of “healing through activity” in order to convey the charm of the spiritual healing island to guests visiting not only from Japan but from around the world. The dive sites we guide our guests to cover the entire island, and we offer suggestions according to the schedule and wishes of our guests. Early morning and night dives are also available.

TEL 0997-42-0505

2351-47 Miyanoura, Yakushima-cho, Kumage-gun, Kagoshima

Yakushima Scuba Diving Business Association Member List

Let’s pay tax to Yakushima Town! /Yakushima Town

Yakushima Town uses the funds from the hometown tax payment to carry out waterside conservation activities, including the sea. The town has prepared authentic sweet potato shochu called “Mitake,” mackerel bones perfect for snacks, crafts made from Yakushima cedar, small leather goods made from Yakushima deer, local beer, and tankan (sweetened red bean paste) as gifts in return. For more information on the “Daisuki Fund”, a hometown tax payment program that provides you with Yakushima’s specialties while protecting the rich sea where you can enjoy diving, check out the “ Yakushima Town Hometown Tax Payment Website “!

Sponsored by Yakushima Town

The town of Yakushima has a “basic philosophy of community development” that the wisdom of living with nature and the diverse cultures of the local communities blend together to sustain the circulation of people’s lives in the midst of the eternal flow of nature. While sharing this basic philosophy, the residents, communities, and government share their roles and responsibilities through “dialogue” and “collaboration,” creating a “Yakushima-style” form of community development and aiming to realize a new vision for the town (future vision).Interviewed with: Yakushima Scuba Diving Association, Takeshi Matsumoto, Yakushima Outdoor Activity Center, Akifumi Kato, GREEN MOUNT, Shinichiro Chuma, Yakushima certified guide, and Shipowners’ Association.

By oceana

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